“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

Coming straight at me we’re headlights. Someone had turned from a side street and instead of going across the median to turn left going down the correct side of the street, they had turned left into my lane thinking it was only a 2 Lane Road.

Had my car not stalled when it did, I would’ve plowed head first into that car. In the five years that I own that car, it never stalled again.

OKDanemama , CHUTTERSNAP /unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night About 25 years ago my sister and I were driving on a normally busy road, but it was late at night and was deserted. We could both see something flapping on the road up ahead. I asked her what it was and my sister said she didn’t know but that it looked like a black garbage bag. I agreed, it really looked like a bag lying on the road being whipped lightly by the wind.

As we approached it completely changed shape. It went from being quite flat and small to morphing into a fully grown man on a bike. He was just standing there in the middle of the road with his bike. We pulled alongside and asked if he was ok. He nodded but didn’t speak. We drove off.

We STILL talk about it because it was the strangest, creepiest thing ever and we both still can’t explain what we saw.

Kimberley7462 , Dima Pechurin/unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night Four years ago I’m driving across the Colorado / New Mexico border at around 4am and I’m looking for a place to stop for fuel. I happened along the smallest and saddest little farm town with only one tiny gas station. I hadn’t seen another car for hours, it’s freezing cold, and it felt like this town was abandoned it was that quiet… honestly it was kind of cool except for the cold.

I’m pumping away feeling like I’m completely alone, until I notice another car in the shadows near the back of the building. Flashy black low rider with completely tinted windows and 4 “right out of a Mexican Gangster movie” looking guys leaning against it. I remember laughing because 1, they startled the hell out me and 2, they were wearing the black shorts, wife beater tank tops and the knee high socks. Remember it was FREEZING cold, it was the middle of nowhere, and they looked so casual.

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