“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

Without a word, all 4 got off the car and walked straight towards me until I could see the full sleeves and face tattoos under the pump lights. Dropped the gas pump, fired up the motor and did the greatest 0-100 that old girl had ever seen. Not 20 seconds after burning out onto the highway, I see headlights swerve out and follow me. Little did they know, my beat up looking dodge truck had the hemi motor and a couple of upgrades, they never had a chance and after a few miles their headlights disappeared in my rear view mirror.

I didn’t think much of it, and even laughed at how bad I outran them till a cop buddy told me about the Mexican Cartels running d***s through there to avoid the Interstate. I wasn’t laughing anymore.

DieselDown , Moreno Matković/unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night It wasn’t exactly something I saw, but some point halfway through my drive home, at about 8:30 ish at night, a guy started following me. It couldn’t have been for very long, because I didn’t notice he was there until I pulled into my driveway and he parked there at the entrance, got out, hiking his horn and screaming some sort of nonsense. Bunch of s**t like “we f*****g know where you live! F**k you!” over and over again and not saying anything about why he had followed me. F****n terrified me. Worst thing? Happened two days ago. Still have no idea why or who it was. Been staying at my mom’s bc if some random angry man knows where I live then for the time being I don’t live there.

Aubsedobs , Getty Images/unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night When I was 16, my parents had told me to get my butt home because a huge snowstorm was coming. I was at my boyfriend’s so I threw a fit, and my parents were like, “Fine. But you have to drive yourself home and be home by curfew: 9pm.”

I had never driven in the snow. I left his house around 7, and there was already about 5in on the ground, and it was still snowing HEAVILY. It was also pitch black out. Both my boyfriend and my parents lived in this small farming town, so I was only about 4 minutes up the road, should be easy to get home right? Wrong.

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