“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”

"Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They're Spotted on the Road!"

The whole drive took 1.5ish hours. I couldn’t see anything with the vortex of snow. There weren’t streetlights in my town. I could barely go 2mph in my tiny car.

As I’m almost home, like I can literally see my street, my headlights illuminated a little girl in the middle of the road, not dressed for the weather. I slammed my brakes, but due to the snow I skidded for about a quarter mile. I felt the impact of hitting her. When I finally did stop, I got out with my phone flashlight to look for her. Nobody.

I decided it was best to get home and tell my parents. We lived next door to the town fire dept, so my dad had them go look for her. They easily found where my car had put the brakes on, but nobody was there. There was damage to my headlight, so I definitely hit SOMETHING, but they couldn’t find anything.

To this day my dad says it must have been a deer, but I know what I saw…

meowdolf–kitler , Artem Balashevsky/unsplash Report

55 People Share The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Driving At Night Well we’re weren’t driving. But it was in a car a night.

My buddy and I order a pizza from a 24 hr place. We were parked out side in my car. Its like 1 am. I’m talking to my friend. Just about whatever. Maybe it was movies. I was in the middle of a hot take of some sort, and I look over at my friend and he’s starin at me.

Now this buddy. He never looked anyone in the eye. If he did it was glance. He was just one of those guys that was uncomfortable with eye contact. So now he’s staring at me. Slack jawed. And I’m like ‘dude, what’s up?’ and he just sort of feebily points over my shoulder.

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