“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
I turn around and look out my window to see a homeless man lunging his face at my window. Stopping just a half and inch away from full-blown headbutting my window. He has this look on his face. Like he has been caught. He sorta runs away.
I turn back to my friend ‘what the f**k was that all about?’ and my friend explains why he was frozen.
This guy had walked past. Saw we were in the car. Then he backed up and started to run full speed at the car. He was a split second away from slamming full force into the side of our car when my friend pointed out the window at him and I turned. Which cause the guy to stop dead in his tracks, causing him to stumble and stop half an inch away from my car.
Don’t know what that guys intentions where. Still creeps me out.
Late to the party but…a purple balloon. I was just driving home when a purple balloon just floats across my vision, still mid-air and in a relatively unpopulated area. Stopped to take some pictures, thankfully balloon was harmless and did not eat me.
100% swear this really happened.
Friends and I went to a haunted bridge one night. The story goes that the dad k*lled the entire family back in the 1800s and buried them under the bridge. If you go and put your car in neutral, the kids will push you across the bridge.
We all thought it was stupid but wanted to check it out. We go buy some flower and spread it on the back of the car to “catch” evidence as a joke. The bridge is outside the main city area (Austin, tx) so we didn’t feel it was too scary when we pulled up.