“Unbelievable Nighttime Encounters: 55 Drivers Reveal the Strangest Things They’re Spotted on the Road!”
We get to the bridge around midnight and put the car in neutral. I’m driving the car. The road is flat and might even have a slight uphill so the car should not move. The car slowly starts moving forward. Friends think I’m pranking them, which I assure them I am certainly not. I even lift my legs to show them. As we move a little faster I put it in drive and hightail it out of there.
We make it to a gas station and all get out of the car trying to collect ourselves. We go around back and there are little finger prints on the back of the car.
We all swore to never check out an urban legend again.
While driving across Luisiana on I10, I saw a flying car.
There’s a bridge that’s about 40 miles long on that road. There was no other car in sight. And far ahead of me on that bridge there was this car about 8 feet above the road. It was kind of bobbing as it flew.
It was a very dark night. All I could see was it’s tail lights. I tried to convince myself it was just a trick of perspective. It just looked like it was higher than the road.
It was freaky, and scary. I was slowly gaining on it, so I slowed down.
I eventually speeded up, telling myself I was stupid being scared of it. Couldn’t really be a flying car. Not a ghost or something.
As I slowly creeped up it was definitely about 8 feet above the road.
As I got closer I finally saw. It was bring hauled on a flat bed truck like a wrecker. The truck had no tail lights, so I guess the truck driver turned on the car’s tail lights .