“Unbelievable Scenes from Everyday Russia: What Other Countries Would Call ‘Out of This World'”
Russia Fact: Facebook is only the fourth most popular social media website in the country. Twitter is the sixth, and Instagram is the eighth. A site called Vk.com is at the top of the list with 4.6 million users!
The Manuel Russian ATM

This ATM in Russia appears to be broken, but this guy is going to help you out. Would you take money from a person inside the ATM? Did he just steal your debit card? How badly do you really need that money on a Friday night?
Russia Fact: On the Russian version of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” the audience misled the contestant so much that they stopped using the “ask the audience” lifeline entirely.
It’s A Cold Country With Warm Hearted Babushkas

This is one of the most Russian pictures I think we could’ve possibly seen. Only in Russia would they have full snowsuits for their dogs because the weather is so cold. Just ahead, a picture that hilariously shows what happens when you protest the government. It doesn’t end well no matter how long you smile for.
Russia Fact: In 2010, a heat wave in Russia led to the death of almost 1,000 people. The majority of them drown in swimming pools because they were drunk.
They Have The Weirdest Weddings

Russian wedding photos are just straight up bizarre. I mean, the creative aspect of this is pretty interesting but I just find myself screaming “WHY?” If a stern Russian man popped out of a champagne bottle like a genie, would you fall instantly in love? We’d probably wonder what was actually in the bottle.