“Unbelievable Scenes from Everyday Russia: What Other Countries Would Call ‘Out of This World'”
Russia Fact: Lake Karachay is radioactive because it’s a nuclear dumping ground. If you spend more than one hour standing near it you’ll die.
They Don’t Live By The Rules
Photo Credit: Reddit / Kebabiukass
If there’s anything to take away from a Russian’s attitude it’s that they don’t care what anyone else thinks. They’ll openly cheat in sports as long as they win and if they’re called out about it, they’ll just deny, deny, deny.
Russia Fact: In 1920, the Soviet Union became the first country to legalize abortion. In 2005, it was reported that they had more abortions than live births that year.
Recycling Is A Capitalist Plot To Destroy The World?
This picture is hilarious because of the grin on the garbage can. The thought of this mascot getting brutally beaten up while maintaining that smile is mildly comedic. You’ve probably seen some weird things in a trunk, but I bet it’s not as weird as this picture coming up.
Russia Fact: In 1700, a Russian lady gave birth to 69 kids which included 16 pairs of twins, 7 set of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.
Start ‘Em Young
If there was a culture of humans that would be the closest to super-humans, it would be Russians. The grooming process they have for their kids is unmatched. Kids basically vote by the age of three (as long as it’s for Putin). This kid is going to see some things!
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