“Unbelievable Scenes from Everyday Russia: What Other Countries Would Call ‘Out of This World'”
Russia Fact: Russia’s homicide rate is twice what it is in America. They fluctuate around 10 death by murder per 100,000 people.
American Celebrities Live Different Lives In Russia

Imagine never having stepped foot in a country only to find out that you live a second life there? I’d be thoroughly disappointed if the second version of me was a computer repair person. Couldn’t they do something cooler? To be fair, if you’d never heard of Zach Braff before, he does look like the type of person who would repair computers.
Russia Fact: On average, Russians drink upwards of 6.3 shots of liquor per week while Americans only drink 3.3.
Peppa Pig Is Spotted In Russia

There are so many questions that the driver of this car needs to answer for. There aren’t many sane reasons why you should have a live pig in the trunk of your car. Prepare yourself for the most badass Russian Harry Potter you’ll ever see. He’s coming up.
Russia Fact: 25% of Russian men die before they reach the age of 55 which is compared to only 1% in the United States.
The Russian Kid’s Clothing Collection 2018

The fashion in Russia is centered around warmth, which makes sense, Kids walk around looking like hovering snowballs. Seriously though, can this kid even move? They’re bundled up so tight it looks like they have to be rolled to the park, school, or wherever it is they are going.