“Unbelievable Scenes from Everyday Russia: What Other Countries Would Call ‘Out of This World'”
Russia Fact: The average Russian consumes 18 liters of alcohol annually which is over two times the amount that experts consider dangerous.
The Pets Are Certainly Not Traditional

Imagine growing up with a bear as your pet. While most people are afraid of the Shitzus in America, Russians let actual bears into their homes without batting an eye. These two will grow up together and be best friends for sure!
Russia Fact: World War II technically hasn’t ended yet due to a dispute over the Kuril Islands. Russia and Japan still haven’t signed a peace treaty and therefore remain at war.
Harry Potter Is A Way Of Life

Russians try to recreate American TV shows and movies, but they make them so much more aggressive. I dare you to tell this Harry Potter that Hermione is not real. It’d be the last words you ever spoke after dealing with the devious spell she casts on you! Coming up, the most Russian suit you’ll ever see and it’s too perfect.
Russia Fact: It’s now illegal in Russia to tell children that gay people exist.
They Get Creative With Their Infrastructure

When your government is corrupt and seldom gives communities enough money to help rebuild their infrastructure, you have to get creative. This is Russian engineering at its finest. How did America never think to put logs in potholes?