“Unbelievable Soda Consumption: Man Shares Shocking Daily Intake That Will Change What You Thought You Knew About Addiction!”

There’s a wild, fizzy frenzy going on, folks! Meet the TikToker who’s turned soda guzzling into a viral spectacle, showcasing just how much carbonated fun he can pack into a single day! Known as @foodyfellowship, this self-proclaimed ‘soda addict’ has shared videos that will make even the hardiest of soda lovers do a double take. With astonishing claims about his daily intake—amounting to nearly five gallons of fizzy drinks—he’s generated nearly eight million views! So, how does he maintain this effervescent lifestyle without any health hiccups? Prepare to dive into the bubbly world of soda consumption that leaves even seasoned drinkers gasping for breath! Intrigued yet? LEARN MORE

A bloke who’s gone viral for his shocking videos showing how much fizzy pop he puts away day-to-day has crunched the numbers of how much of the stuff he actually gets through.

The TikToker went viral overnight after sharing videos of just how much soda he claimed to drink in an ordinary day.

Known as @foodyfellowship on the social media platform, the self-confessed ‘soda addict’ made a number of outlandish claims about how much he can neck in a 24-hour period. You can be the judge of it though.

In a video that has garnered nearly eight million views on the social media app, titled ‘LIFE OF A SODA ADDICT PART XII’, he walks his followers through his unusual drinking habits.

How much is too much? (Getty Stock Photo)

How much is too much? (Getty Stock Photo)

So, how much soda does he drink?

Waking up in the morning, he grabs four cans of Diet Dr Pepper which are 12 oz each, or 355 ml in the US – slightly more than the 330ml cans we get in Britain.

Right off the bat, that’s about 48 oz, or 1.4 litres of liquid, before he heads to the gym for a workout.

That’s not all though, as on the way to the gym, he adds another 100 oz (2.95 litres) to his mega bottle, which he brings with him, totalling 148 oz.

Luckily though, he will drink one to two litres of water while working out. But that’s about it.

Then, it’s right back to the fizz as he treats himself to more cans, even pouring some drinks into a thermos, mixing in more artificial flavouring syrup.

After he says he ‘downs that’ (steady on), the creator then keeps going and going, adding in the likes of Root Beer, more Dr Pepper and even buying a large cup of soda from a fast food chain.

To top it all off, he buys a large drink at the cinema, finishing the day with 614 oz or 4.79 US gallons having gone through his system.

I know what you’re thinking – he should have firmed it and gone for five gallons.

In all seriousness though, the influencer left fans shocked as one user pointed out what we were all thinking: “Sometimes I feel bad I had two sodas.”

Another added: “My kidneys are hiding after watching this,” with a third asking: “Is this a cry for help?”

He has an entire fridge of canned soft drinks (TikTok/foodyfellowship)

He has an entire fridge of canned soft drinks (TikTok/foodyfellowship)

How much does he fork out for the fizzy drinks?

In the past, he has claimed to buy his soda cans through buy two, get three deals at supermarket, meaning he’s not forking out extortionate amounts to fund his ‘addiction’.

However, he has claimed to have bought a bigger car in order to buy the soft drinks he needs for the week ahead…

The influencer also claims he’s never had a health or dental issue come as a result of his soft drink habits.

I’ll take his word for it on that one.

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