“Unbelievable Zoo Signs That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud – You Won’t Believe What These Animals Are ‘Saying’!”
This zoo isn’t so concerned about a visitor being eaten and killed by an animal, but for the animals’ health if they were to eat a human. If you’re not afraid of losing your own life for a stupid reason, at least think about the animals.
What Happened Here?
What in the world happened that a zoo needed to put this sign up? Who in their right mind would feed hallucinogenic substances to an alligator? Well, someone on hallucinogens we suppose.
Not only is it hazardous to get that close to an alligator but it’s also cruel to the creatures. It’s best not to feed anything to a wild animal, especially if it is going to affect their brain chemistry. The last thing anyone needs is a rogue alligator on drugs.
Don’t Make Fun Of The Penguins
For some reason, people tend to forget that wild animals don’t smell like humans. Their diets and where and how they live couldn’t be more different from us. Apparently, some people were making fun of how the penguins smell at this zoo which is horrible considering how adorable and loving they are.
So, to remind everyone why penguins don’t smell the best, they put up this sign that explains they eat raw fish which can lead to odors. Also, they’re penguins.
Please, Don’t Punch Anything
Most wouldn’t expect this sign to say “please don’t punch the llamas,” but it appears that someone once punched a llama in the past. Why someone would hit a llama is beyond us, they’re relatively docile creatures.