“Unbreakable Spirit: Woman Faces Dual Battle for Life and Lost Dog in Heartfelt Quest for Hope”
Campos gladly agreed to help Mares on her hunt for her precious Semper. The detective realized that she was probably the last hope for reuniting the owner with her pet. Only time would tell the results, but Mares kept the optimism alive.
AKC Reunite
With new help came new ideas. Campos brought a fresh mind to the case; not only because that was her job, but because Mares had already done so much. Campos suggested that Mares revisit her lifetime registration with the AKC Reunite.
AKC Reunite is a program that helps ensure your pets are properly registered with their owners. Campos thought that the program could have provided some additional help that Mares might’ve missed out on in the past.
Back To The Humane Society
In May of 2017, Mares traveled to the Humane Society so she could check on the registration of Semper’s microchip. Hope filled her heart as she asked and waited for the results.
That’s when the Humane Society gave her some surprising news. No one could have guessed what they told Mares. How could this happen? Before you find out what the story was, be sure to buckle up, you’re in for a roller-coaster of a ride…
Messing Things Up
An odd situation happened with the microchip a year before. Another woman registered her name on Semper’s chip, which messed things up. That’s not supposed to be how it goes, and this wasn’t Mares’ fault.