“Uncover the Astonishing Survival Secrets of the Tribe Thriving by a Fiery Volcano!”
El Sod Remains The Same

Although the volcanic eruption may have ended the mining for those who worked at Lake Afrera, it did mean that the miners no longer had to risk their lives in order to retrieve salt.
That is not the case for those in El Sod, and their livelihood remains at the lake at the bottom of the crater. At this point, the villagers have fallen into a vicious cycle, and many of them are unable to return to their once-nomadic lifestyle.
A Sad Reality

Unfortunately, for those who are still working as salt miners in the crater, it doesn’t seem anything will change for some time.
This is due to some of their resistance to change, as well as many of their inability to find jobs outside of mining, considering that it’s all that they have known. Because of this, many of the people at El Sod will never know a life outside of the village or down in the crater.