“Uncover the Bizarre Middle Names of Your Favorite Celebrities: You Won’t Believe What They Are!”
Now that I think about it, the name Richard doesn’t really scream “fun” either, but at least it’s more fun than Milton. I kind of like the middle name Teagle.
Richard Tiffany Gere

This one is a little bit of a copout. Yes Richard Gere’s middle name is Tiffany, and yes, he sheepishly revealed this fact on a British talk show as though it was embarrassing to have a female middle name, but Tiffany is actually his mother’s maiden name.
What I don’t understand is that Gere’s parents had three girls. Why not just give one of them the name Tiffany? None of them are named Tiffany.
Crispin Hellion Glover

Crispin Glover is known for playing eccentric characters on screen, such as George McFly in Back to the Future, Layne in River’s Edge, and Bobby McBurney in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.
Crispin’s middle name is Hellion. His parents named him after the Saint Crispin’s Day speech from William Shakespeare‘s play Henry V. Crispin’s father used to use the name “Hellion” as his own fake middle name because he didn’t like his real Germanic middle name, Herbert.
Hilary Erhard Duff

Yup, Hilary Duff’s middle name is Erhard. Erhard is a masculine Germanic name which is made up of the words for “honor, respect” or “army” combined with “brave” and “hardy.”
Erhard is also Hilary Duff’s father’s middle name. Hilary’s older sister, Haylie’s middle name is Katherine, which is far more normal than Erhard. I think Hilary got the short end of the stick on that one. Erhard is an okay name, but I don’t think it really suits Hilary.