This is why Mom and Dad always insist on their kids wearing helmets. It’s because they know all too well that all it takes is one moment of cocky courage to make a disaster happen.
This Is Why I Don’t Work Out
This woman was trying to have a relaxing session of yoga with the window open, and instead, she ended up letting a pigeon in, which probably ruined all that relaxation.
It’s Playtime At The Park
Dad and grandpa just wanted to make sure that this little guy was going to have a good time at the park, but maybe everyone got a little too involved.
Just Reach For The Fish
Fishing is, at times, a full-contact sport that can be really disappointing. Like at this moment when someone captured a picture of him losing his grip on his slippery fish.
One For The Picture Books
I really enjoy how it was one of the kid’s reactions to start running away as their friend fell off the fence. At least they didn’t have far to fall, and maybe this will cement their bond forever.
Say Goodbye To Your Hat
Mom caught a picture of her little one at the exact moment that he lost his hat on the dragon ride that he so badly wanted to go on. Hopefully, they were able to pick it up after.
How Does She Not Know?
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