“Uncover the Hidden Secrets of How I Met Your Mother: 10 Trivia Bombshells That Will Change How You View the Show Forever!”

"Uncover the Hidden Secrets of How I Met Your Mother: 10 Trivia Bombshells That Will Change How You View the Show Forever!"

Ted, Lily, And Marshall Are Based On Actual People

When writers Carter Bays and Craig Thomas were invited to pitch a network series, they flashed back to 1997.

The pair hung out at Thomas’ apartment, which he shared with his girlfriend Rebecca, as Bays complained about being single. In the script, Bays became Ted, Thomas was Marshall, and Rebecca was Lily.


Barney Was Always In A Suit… Well, Almost



There are only 16 times in the shows nine seasons that Stinson wasn’t in his favorite suit. Think about it — that’s a ton of suits to go through in a near-decade.


Not only that, but having to wear a suit on a daily basis must have been exhausting. But, it’s all about the paycheck, right?


Jason Segel Was The First Choice For Marshall




During an interview, Bays and Thomas admitted to being fans of Freaks and Geeks. They loved Jason so much that he became their first choice for the role he would eventually play.


In the same interview, Segel responded that “they waited for me to get this role.” Just ahead, some big names were almost cast on the show, including the actress from Clueless.


Cobie Smulders Was Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer In The Third Season



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