“Uncover the Hidden Treasure: 18 Iconic 90s Collectibles Whose Values Have Exploded!”
If you have early editions or rare a “Bone” comic book issue, their prices have skyrocketed to as much as $15,000.
2. Harry Potter First Edition

Debuted in the 90s, these J.K. Rowling books are all about the rarity and nostalgia of the magic world. The first editions of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” especially those featuring original cover art and misprints, have been valued between $30000 to $55000 because of the limited number of copies. Their high value is due to the massive fan base and the books’ role in literary history.
3. Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros was so popular in the 90s that every 90’s kid must have played it at least once on a Super Nintendo. It is widely considered one of the greatest video games ever made. However, original copies in mint condition have become increasingly short over time. Can you believe the value of your cherished childhood game now? A sealed copy of Super Mario Bros 3 fetched a staggering $156,000 at auction in 2020,
4. Magic: The Gathering Card Sets

90s kids have always been obsessed with magic, which is also the reason for the high demand for cards that feature creatures, spells, and artifacts with unique abilities and artwork. These fun game cards were designed for players to battle one another with spells, artifacts, and mythical creatures. Collectors are always looking for the Alpha, Beta, and Unlimited editions and are willing to pay up to $60,000 based on their rarity.