“Uncover the Shocking Truth: 42 Everyday Beliefs That Might Just Be Total Myths!”

"Uncover the Shocking Truth: 42 Everyday Beliefs That Might Just Be Total Myths!"

Turns out even by Asian school standard mine was insane.


I remember being a kid, my sister was barely 16 and invited some of her friends of the same age. One of them was dating a 24-year-old guy. I thought it was cool but as I grew up, I realized how f****d up it was.


To some degree I knew that my partner drinking a whole bottle of wine plus 6 beers in a day wasn’t a normal thing when I first started dating him but the extent of the addiction and the affects of his health didn’t become fully clear to me until some time had passed .


When the light switch finally came on and I realized I was, in fact, raised in a cult. I would not be able to list all the things that I was raised to believe were normal lmfao.


Smoking in adolescence. Well, I’ve been a smoker for 15 years now.

Image credits: NoRecording66


Constantly ruminating about things. Apparently not everyone does this.


A few things tbh. I thought it was normal to be home alone a lot, normal for mom to spend loads of money on herself but then plead poor to me when I asked for anything as a kid, thought it was normal to not be allowed to visit friends or have sleepovers, and normal to not be allowed to select my first job or learn to drive. Also not allowed to stay home when she wanted to go shopping even though I was usually home when she was at work all day. I wasn’t allowed my own bank account, either, and had to have my name put on hers. My friends were the ones who opened my eyes to my utter lack of freedom. Especially since she started hoarding things as I got older and she became more and more angry at any instance of me wanting agency over myself. I couldn’t go in by myself for doctors appointments and I barely got to talk in those appointments, either. She even picked where I was going to college and also picked my major, so I wound up at community college across town from her house so I could live with her still and an art major because “it’s what you’re already good at”, not what I was interested in. Luckily the college but fell through because they didn’t tell her I’d have to move 4 hours from home in order to take some of those art classes because they only hosted them at main campus, so I got to switch to general studies.

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