“Uncover the Shocking Truth: 42 Everyday Beliefs That Might Just Be Total Myths!”

"Uncover the Shocking Truth: 42 Everyday Beliefs That Might Just Be Total Myths!"


I always thought my mom just really loved me a lot since I was her only child. But looking back now as an adult, I think I was a victim of covert incest.


I had a friend growing up when we were 14 who had an older brother in his 30s that would hang out with us when we had parties and him and his friends would flirt with the girls. At the time we thought he was the coolest dude but now looking back at it he was just a predator.


That my dad would never speak to me. Like, at all. He would rarely eat meals with me, never asked about my day, or had any interest in what I’d been up to.

But, he would pounce on the opportunity to yell at me or belittle me for any perceived failure. There were never any mistakes or accidents, only personal failures that meant I was doomed for failure forever, and that meant I was utterly worthless.

It never ended as long as I lived with him, but he chilled out later after getting cancer. I intentionally rebuilt our relationship, mostly because I think he’s probably autistic, definitely was abused as a kid, and was not able to form emotions in a healthy way, and because I want that closure when he does eventually pass away.


Lots of abusive behaviors from my parents. I knew my childhood wasn’t awesome, but didn’t realize the extent until I’d pop jokes to my friends about some of that s**t and they’d look at me like ??. Then I’d get self conscious and say something like “just a joke, it wasn’t THAT bad…” It was usually worse.


A school I went to used to give out around 10 pieces of homework everyday and at least half have to be handed in by the next day.

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