“Unearthed from the Past: Siberian Reindeer Herders Discover Frozen Cave Bear with Shocking Secrets Still Inside!”

"Unearthed from the Past: Siberian Reindeer Herders Discover Frozen Cave Bear with Shocking Secrets Still Inside!"

Grigorieva added that though this wasn’t the first time researchers have come across a prehistoric cave bear, it is the first time they have found one that was so completely intact. A previous specimen featured only its skulls and bones.

“This find is of great importance for the whole world,” she said exuberantly.

Cave Bear Mummy

NEFUThe specimen is believed to have lived during the Pleistocene, which lasted from 2.9 million and 11,700 years ago.

Indeed, this cave bear is so well preserved that even its nose, fur, and teeth are still completely intact.

The mummified cave bear is of the extinct species Ursus spelaeus, which lived in Eurasia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene period. Researchers have yet to conduct a full examination on the specimen, but because cave bears of this kind lived sometime during the Karaginsky interglacial period, it would be a fair guess to assume that this specimen lived sometime between 39,500 and 22,000 years ago.

Ursus spelaeus‘s population began to diminish about 15,000 years ago before finally going extinct. Unlike many of their modern brethren, these prehistoric bears most likely weren’t carnivores, though they may have been cannibalistic on rare occasions in order to survive.

But make no mistake; despite its primarily vegetarian diet, U. spelaeus was a magnificent beast measuring up to 11.5 feet tall when standing on hind legs. They weighed somewhere between 1,100 and 3,300 pounds. By comparison, the heaviest polar bear — considered to be the largest species of bear currently living on the planet — weighed about 2,209 pounds.

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