“Unearthed Secrets: 18,000-Year-Old Bones Reveal Shocking Truth About Cannibalism in Ancient Poland”

"Unearthed Secrets: 18,000-Year-Old Bones Reveal Shocking Truth About Cannibalism in Ancient Poland"

But why did prehistoric communities in Poland turn to cannibalism? Researchers suggest several possible explanations, including famine, intergroup violence, and competition for scarce resources.

The Possible Motivations Behind Prehistoric Cannibalism

Maszycka Cave Cannibalism

Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo / IAM (CSIC-Junta de Extremadura)A human jaw bone from Maszycka Cave bearing evidence of cannibalism.

The earliest evidence of cannibalism in Europe dates back over 800,000 years to the Atapuerca Mountains of Spain. Historically, this taboo practice has been performed for reasons ranging from survival to competition between various groups.

“Cannibalism is a behavior that has been documented at various times in human evolution. In prehistoric contexts, it could respond both to survival needs and to ritual practices or even to dynamics of intergroup violence,” Dr. Palmira Saladié, a co-author of the study, stated in the press release.

As the study detailed, the cannibalization of the deceased was performed shortly after death and targeted the most nutrient-dense parts of the body. This has led experts to believe that the process was performed out of necessity, not for ritualistic purposes.

Around 18,000 years ago, Earth was emerging from the Last Glacial Maximum, the peak of the last Ice Age. The increase in population as the planet grew warmer may have led to increased tensions between groups who competed for territory and resources.

Five sites across Europe from the same time period have shown similar evidence of cannibalism. As researchers wrote in the press release, “This high number of sites together with the archaeological data has allowed researchers to suggest that cannibalism during the Magdalenian was part of the culture of these groups, whether consuming their own dead or those of their enemies.”

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