“Unearthed Secrets: Decapitated ‘Vampire’ Unearths Chilling Medieval Burial Mystery in Croatia”

"Unearthed Secrets: Decapitated 'Vampire' Unearths Chilling Medieval Burial Mystery in Croatia"

The findings were published in a report titled Military Orders and Their Heritage, released ahead of a recent archaeological conference in Zagreb.

A Strange Grave Uncovered In Rašaška, Croatia Leaves Researchers Intrigued

Medieval Vampire Burial In Croatia

Milica NikolićThe positioning of the remains suggests an atypical burial reserved for “problematic” members of society.

While examining the archaeological site in late 2024, researchers came across what could only be described as a strange burial. Whereas a typical medieval burial in the region would see the dead laid to rest on their backs, with arms at their sides or folded over their chests, this particular grave contained remains that had clearly been adjusted postmortem in some unsettling ways.

“What caught our attention during the excavation was the unusual position of the person,” the authors wrote in the study. The deceased’s chest was turned face down, their head was separated from the neck and buried nearly a foot away, and two large stones had been placed between the legs and under the head.

To piece together the reasons behind the peculiarities of this burial, Dr. Nataša Šarkić conducted an anthropological analysis on the remains. Initial observations noted that the remains had belonged to a middle-aged man, either in his 40s or 50s, whose body showed clear signs of heavy physical labor, particularly on their vertebrae and lower half. Šarkić also observed injuries on the skull that “were the result of interpersonal violence, and they had fatal consequences,” as the Serbian-language site Sve o Arheologiji (“All About Archaeology”) reported.

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