“Unearthed Secrets: The Controversial Episodes That Could Never Air!”
“Windy City” – Mike & Molly
Not known to be controversial whatsoever, an episode of Mike & Molly was temporarily banned due to nothing other than the weather. During the time when the episode “Windy City” was supposed to air, about tornadoes and bad weather, tornadoes were currently ravaging the states of Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, and Kansas.
Out of respect, CBS temporarily banned the episode, and rescheduled to air once tensions surrounding the dangers of tornadoes weren’t running so high.
“The City Of New York VS. Homer Simpson” – The Simpsons
Although The Simpson’s episode “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson” is a fan-favorite to many, that didn’t stop it from being banned and now rarely played years later. The basis of the episode is that Homer goes to New York to get his car after it has been impounded after a night of dreaming.
However, the episode features numerous shots of the Twin Towers with Homer making numerous threats toward the city. So, after the 9/11 attacks, the episode was banned.
“Patterns Of Force” – Star Trek
Although Star Trek is a science-fiction program, the show’s writers always managed to slip in some relevant social commentary, which helped make the show relatable and interesting.
However, this didn’t work out in the episode “Patterns of Force,” when the lead characters are dressed in Nazi paraphernalia, and the only reason the villains were the way they were was that they were brainwashed. Unsurprisingly, this particular episode was banned in Germany not long after it aired.