“Unearthing Secrets: Cologne’s Ancient Library Reveals Long-Lost Knowledge Hidden for Centuries!”

"Unearthing Secrets: Cologne's Ancient Library Reveals Long-Lost Knowledge Hidden for Centuries!"
Cologne Roman Praetorium

JOKER / Alexander Stein/ullstein bild via Getty Images

Cologne’s Roman Praetorium is perhaps the most important archeological site in the city, which dates back to 1st century AD. There, visitors can view the ruins of the official residence of the Imperial Governor of Colonia. These ruins were coincidentally enough discovered underneath Cologne’s city hall building.

The only other uncovered ruin of Roman Cologne is the Roman Tower, which also dates back to the 1st century. Any other remnants of ancient Colonia remain underneath modern-day Cologne, and have yet to be excavated.

Next, read about the massive Viking skeletons that were discovered in Sicily. Then, check out this story about a petition to let people drink ancient “mummy juice” discovered in a tomb in Egypt.

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