“Unearthing the Dark Secrets of Germany’s WWI Corpse Factories: What History Has Forgotten”

"Unearthing the Dark Secrets of Germany's WWI Corpse Factories: What History Has Forgotten"

The parallel between this story and the ‘corpse factory’ atrocity tale of the First World War is too striking to be overlooked.”

Indeed, according to Historian Joachim Neander :

There can be no doubt that the reported commercial use of the corpses of the murdered Jews undermined the credibility of the news coming from Poland and delayed action that might have rescued many Jewish lives.”

Even after the Nazis surrendered and Allied troops entered the death camps, many still refused to accept the true, horrific scale of the Holocaust. This refusal persists to this day, with the widely-believed – but now thoroughly debunked – myth of death camp victims being rendered into soap being one of the favourite rhetorical devices used by Holocaust Deniers. It is a chilling reminder of the very real and very dangerous power of misinformation.

Expand for References

First World War ‘Corpse Factory’ Propaganda Revealed, The Guardian, October 26, 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/26/first-world-war-propaganda-corpse-factory-1925#:~:text=Rumours%20abounded%20throughout%20the%20first,to%20the%20British%20naval%20blockade.

The Corpse Factory and the Birth of Fake News, BBC News, February 17, 2017, https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-38995205

Corpse Factories in Germany, Spartacus Educational, https://spartacus-educational.com/FWWcorpse.htm

Hunt, David, World War 1 History: Britain “Exposes” Germany’s Corpse Conversion Factory, Owlcation, July 6, 2022, https://owlcation.com/humanities/World-War-1-History-Britain-Exposes-Germanys-Corpse-Conversion-Factory

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