“Unearthing the Truth: What Really Caused the Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Centre 7 on 9/11?”


Wow, can you believe it’s been over 23 years since that fateful day in September 2001? It feels like just yesterday, yet here we are, still grappling with the aftermath of the most horrific terrorist attack in history. The Twin Towers crumbled, and shockingly, so did the nearby 7 World Trade Centre building—hours later and without any direct impact. How does that even happen? While conspiracy theories have run wild trying to piece together these tragic events, it’s a reminder of how fragile our world can be when faced with such chaos. Buckle up as we dig deeper into the mysteries of that day, exploring theories about the collapse of WTC 7 and finally shedding some light on what truly happened. Are you ready to peel back the layers of a narrative that still echoes in our collective consciousness? LEARN MORE.

Warning: This article contains content some readers may find distressing

There’s a reason why the 7 World Trade Centre building collapsed hours after the Twin Towers were hit on 9th September, 2001, despite not being hit.

It’s been over 23 years since the most horrific terrorist attack that the world has ever seen took place.

On that fateful day in September 2001, two of the most recognisable skyscrapers in the New York skyline were targeted by a terror group.

Four planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda and flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon in Virginia, and a field in Pennsylvania after a failed attempt to hit the White House or the US Capitol building.

Terrifying videos of the incident have since been shared on social media, providing different perspectives on one of the darkest points in recent history.

As a result, 2,977 innocent people were killed, with an estimated 6,000 to 25,000 extra people being injured as a result.

The ‘War on Terror’ then began, claiming millions of lives over the years.

Following the tragic events, many conspiracy theorists have gone wild over the real motives behind the attack, and who actually carried it out.

They may be bizarre, but one of the questions was why the nearby 7 World Trade Centre building collapsed hours after the Twin Towers were hit.

The building contained the offices of important government agencies and departments such as the CIA, the Department of Defence and the Office of Emergency Management.

9/11 is still the biggest terrorist attack in human history (Robert Giroux/Getty Images)

9/11 is still the biggest terrorist attack in human history (Robert Giroux/Getty Images)

It mysteriously collapsed without being targeted or hit at all, and it looks like we may finally have an explanation.

According to a three-year investigation carried out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, it had collapsed due to intense and uncontrolled fires, which lasted almost seven hours.

Contrary to popular belief, these fires were started by debris that fell from the North Tower, which was targeted.

The entire event was one of the most shocking in human history, with people unaware that a terrorist attack was happening after many missed the first plane’s contact with the twin towers.

Although, a lot of people captured the second tower being hit on their cameras after looking up in wonder.

Hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, 7 World Trade Centre followed suit (Thomas Nilsson/ Getty Images)

Hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, 7 World Trade Centre followed suit (Thomas Nilsson/ Getty Images)

One of the newest and most jaw-dropping videos of the attacks was uploaded last year, as Kei Sugimoto shared the old footage on YouTube.

He was simply moving his car on the day to make sure that he wouldn’t be fined by New York City’s street cleaners.

Then 24, Kei didn’t walk out to the usual crowded streets of the Big Apple, and instead saw hundreds of people standing in the roads and staring at Lower Manhattan in the distance.

He, along with other civilians, were witnessing a horrific moment in the country’s history, describing it as ‘unbelievable’.

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