“Unexpected Encounters: 105 Jaw-Dropping Moments When Animals Make Unlikely Appearances!”
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Nowadays, having a dog or a cat doesn’t surprise anyone; chances are people would be more puzzled to learn that you don’t own one rather than the other way around. But did you know that cows could make great pets, too?
Of course, shoving them into an apartment isn’t good neither for the cow, nor for the human, so it really isn’t a good idea in practice. But in theory, cows could make great pets because of the qualities they possess.
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
A study of the psychology of cows found that the chonky, beautiful, gentle animals are way smarter than some people deem them to be. As a matter of fact, they are reportedly able to make sophisticated discriminations among not only things but humans and members of their own species, too. They possess emotional capacities that exceed the limits of simple emotions and can experience such things as cognitive judgment bias and emotional contagion.
In addition to that, the study found that cows show emotional reactions to learning, have distinct personalities, and exhibit several dimensions of social complexity, including social learning.
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
Image credits: Animals in Random Places
As smart and cute as cows are, they are unfortunately not a great option for an indoor pet, unlike dogs that come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re wondering what size or what kind of dogs are the most popular now – as of 2023, the French bulldog remains seated on the throne, which it had occupied the year before in 2022. Good thing they’re small – might be easier to get themselves out of the random places animals tend to end up in.