“Unexpected Laughter: 55 Hilariously Awkward Moments Shared at Funerals That Will Leave You Speechless!”

"Unexpected Laughter: 55 Hilariously Awkward Moments Shared at Funerals That Will Leave You Speechless!"

Apropos of nothing, having literally zero connection to my uncle or the family, frickin Carol Baskins takes back the mic and decides that as officiant, she also needed to say her piece, to professionally set our grieving hearts at ease.

What follows was the most absurd ten minutes of my life – hot on the tail of lovely testimonies from people who actually knew and loved my uncle, Carol proceeds to describe what she imagined he might have been like. Namely, she strongly felt that he probably lived in the present moment, much as one does when they are walking down the stairs with a cup of coffee and they trip and fall (her exact words).

In that moment, she says, (rising into a tone of triumphant revelation) there is no time for anger, or fear, there is only joy and acceptance, because you are living in the present moment, just as she felt my uncle definitely probably did.

You see, she says, it’s sort of like one of her spiritual adherents once told her – they had been driving down the interstate in Wyoming, and they hit a slick patch at 70 mph. Wait, was it slick, or was it slippery? Nono, she thinks it was slick. And so the SUV – it’s an SUV, by the way – starts rolling, and in that moment time slows down, and her spiritual adherent feels a sense of serene calm come over them, and they have the presence of mind to stop their head from smashing into the windshield, and they pull their leg back into the SUV before – ah that’s right, the window was down, so it must have been slippery – pull their leg back into the SUV before it was snapped off as the car rolled.

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