“Unexpected Rivalry? Gordon Ramsay’s Surprising Take on Selena Gomez’s Engagement Sparks Outrage!”

"Unexpected Rivalry? Gordon Ramsay's Surprising Take on Selena Gomez's Engagement Sparks Outrage!"

“We always make sure we’re protecting what we have, but there’s no rules. I want him to always be himself. I always want to be myself.”

Selena also mentioned that she’s not planning to change her last name. “I’m not changing my name no matter what. I am Selena Gomez. That’s it.”

“Really can’t hate Gordon for this,” a fan said of the Hell’s Kitchen star’s funny comment

Image credits: onlyalexiaxo


Image credits: sabrinasswift


Image credits: ArtemisFrostt

Image credits: arianaunext

Image credits: damnrihanna

Image credits: Ravi_Yadav_61

Image credits: X_Polls_Global


Image credits: camwade6

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