“Unexplained Encounter: Video Emerges of Man Knocked Out by Mysterious ‘UFO’ – What Really Happened?”

In a viral video that’s sparked quite the buzz, a man in Colombia was seemingly knocked out by an unidentified flying object—yes, you heard that right! Captured in home CCTV footage, the clip shows this bewildering moment unfolding right before our eyes, and it’s left many viewers with more questions than answers. Is it a genuine UFO sighting, or is there a more down-to-earth explanation for this bizarre incident? As theorists and skeptics alike weigh in with their takes—ranging from the highly imaginative to the downright ridiculous—one thing’s for sure: this strange occurrence is giving us plenty to talk about! So, what do you think? Are we dealing with little green men, or just some cleverly concealed prank? Whatever the case, the internet has certainly taken notice! If you want to dive deeper into this uncanny saga, LEARN MORE.

People are 'demanding answers' after man is knocked out by 'UFO' in shocking video
Published 12:31 3 Dec 2024 GMT

It has been claimed that the incident was filmed ‘in Columbia’ earlier this year

People are ‘demanding answers’ after home CCTV footage shows a man getting knocked out by a ‘weird object’.

Believers think it’s a ‘UFO‘, while others have come up with even crazier theories.

Have a look to see what you think:

A few months ago, a Reddit user shared a mind-boggling video on the platform, and it’s certainly divided the crowd.

The viral clip, filmed on 21 July, appears to show a man being knocked over outside of a home shortly after entering the property.

This happens 14 seconds into the video, as an object that appears out of nowhere slams into the door frame.

Friends or family then head outside to check on the individual who fell over.

Some think this viral Reddit video shows a 'UFO' knocking out a man 'in Columbia' (Reddit/u/kamm03)

Some think this viral Reddit video shows a ‘UFO’ knocking out a man ‘in Columbia’ (Reddit/u/kamm03)

“So this happened a few days ago in my hometown in Colombia,” the user claimed.

“A really fast and strange object knocked a man down to the floor thru the stairs.

“He had 24 stitches at the hospital.

“I wouldn’t classify this as an orb as some my friends think neither an animal, what do you guys think?”

As you’d expect, people in the comments were coming up with all sorts of theories, as one person said: “This video is absolutely wild.

It has been claimed that the incident was filmed 'in Columbia' earlier this year (Reddit/u/kamm03)

It has been claimed that the incident was filmed ‘in Columbia’ earlier this year (Reddit/u/kamm03)

“Haven’t ever seen anything like it. Looks like there’s lots of reflection on the side of the vehicle. Not sure if that’s from traffics or what.”

While another thought: “It was just something tied to the door tied tight to hold it open. If you watch the door starts to close right before it happened.”

Then a third argued: “Not… really. Just actually look at the reflection and you see it actually goes on a lot longer than the ‘object’.

“What likely happened here is the guy got knocked out by something from inside, or got electrocuted and jumped back.

“And at the exact same time some bug lit up in front of the camera.”

The clip has divided the viewers (Reddit/u/kamm03)

The clip has divided the viewers (Reddit/u/kamm03)

Someone else also questioned: “Idk.. the fact that the dog goes immediately towards where the object came from kinda freaks me out. Right after that, the dog does move to the body on the ground but its attention is immediately taken to that area. I wonder if the dog’s sniffer picked something up.”

“The eagle eyes that spotted the object circling around the cement mixer help confirmed depth and motion,” a fifth added. “This is a bug that is flying to the left, then towards the camera then up and over the top right edge of the camera nearly directly at it. Velocity and size of the object increase relatively proportionally to each other.”

Whatever your opinion, we can surely all agree how weird it is?

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/u/kamm03

Topics: Aliens, Reddit, UFO, Weird, Viral, Home, Animals, Cars, Dogs, Conspiracy Theory

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