“Unforeseen Trap: Job Seeker’s Reception Test Sabotages Career Dreams Before the Interview Even Starts!”
Job interviews can feel like climbing Mount Everest, can’t they? You meticulously prepare, don your best outfit, and hope to high heaven that nothing goes awry once you’re in the building. Imagine the horror of messing everything up before you even make it into the interview room! Well, that’s exactly what happened to one unfortunate candidate who managed to flub his chances before the formalities even began. How on earth did he pull off this monumental blunder? It all boils down to a simple but crucial lesson: every moment counts, and every interaction matters—yes, even with the receptionist! Buckle up as we delve into this cringe-worthy yet eye-opening fiasco that reminds us all to be nice to everyone we meet along the way. LEARN MORE
Job interviews are one of the most daunting things that you can get yourself up for, and you often have to get everything right in order to land the gig.
From the second you leave your house until you sit down in front of the interviewer, you’re on your best behaviour to ensure nothing goes wrong.
Unless you’re this bloke, who bizarrely managed to mess his interview up before even entering the room. That’s a first.
So, how did he manage to pull that off?

Even the tiniest slip-up could cost you in a job interview (Getty Stock Photo)
It turns out that it all boiled down to one test at reception, which he failed due to one simple reason.
When it comes down to hiring someone, they could have all of the qualifications, required skill, charm, and research in the world, but if they come across as a person who’s just not very nice, they could be dismissed as quickly as they were considered in the first place.
First impressions are everything, as a smile goes a long way – and this story, which was shared on Reddit’s ‘Life Pro Tips’ forum, proves that point to a tee.
An employee explained how it all unfolded on the social media site.
“Today, a candidate blew his interview in the first 5 minutes after he entered the building,” it began.
They said: “He was dismissive to the receptionist. She greeted him and he barely made eye contact. She tried to engage him in conversation. Again, no eye contact, no interest in speaking with her.
“What the candidate did not realise was that the ‘receptionist’ was actually the hiring manager.
“She called him back to the conference room and explained how every single person on our team is valuable and worthy of respect.
“Due to his interaction with the ‘receptionist’, the hiring manager did not feel he was a good fit. Thank you for your time but the interview is over.
“Be nice to everyone in the building.”

First impressions set the tone at a job interview (Getty Stock Photo)
People were quick to discuss what had happened in the comments, with one writing: “I’ll add as someone who’s been on every step of the hiring ladder, even if the receptionist wasn’t the hiring manager, that receptionist will still get her two cents in at the water cooler while decisions are being made.
“In a few fields I’ve worked in, it wasn’t just the people in the conference room that were consulted before making an offer.
“Be on point at all times, every employee is a potential team mate and they’re all assessing you.”
While another recalled their own experience, revealing how they ended up chatting to the CEO at a job interview, without even realising it was them.
“A few jobs ago, I caught the elevator on my way to the interview. The chatty guy in with me… company CEO,” they said.
“I got the job, luckily I am all high energy and friendly when nervous, so he liked me even before I saw him a few hours later. Be nice to everyone.”