“Unforgettable Airport Pickup Signs That Will Make You Grateful for Your Quiet Homecoming!”
The Least Absorbant Napkin Ever
Does she expect her son to wipe his face with a piece of paper? Because that may qualify as cruelty to children. If the note wasn’t so cute, I might have reported her myself.
A piece of paper is not a napkin. It just spreads the dirt around.
Thou Shall Not Waste Food
I hope it’s not a tuna sandwich. If you don’t put lettuce in between the tuna and the bread, that sandwich is going to get soggy real fast.
Honestly, kid, if it’s gross I would just give it to one of your friends who will eat anything, and tell your dad that you ate it.
Time To Take Some Responsibility
Moms don’t exist to clean up your messes. Please act like a human being and clean up after yourself when you make a mess.
Also, don’t complain about having to clean up for yourself. That’s what people do, not just moms. Keep reading for a mom who is about to venture into dangerous territory.
The Most Savage Mom Around
I really hope that these people live somewhere warm. I would hate to have to sleep outside on a cold night— but I guess that’s what happens when you’re not home when you’re supposed to be home.
Next time this guy probably won’t stay out so late.
Mom Is Cold As Ice
So I think we’ve established that kids are pretty dumb. But are they too dumb to know how to make ice? Apparently, they are.
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