“Unforgettable Airport Pickup Signs That Will Make You Grateful for Your Quiet Homecoming!”
It’s a recipe with one ingredient and what is pretty much one step, which is not a recipe at all, by a lot of people’s standards.
She Ventured Into The Great Unkown
This is the most accurate note I have ever read. I don’t know if a prayer is going to help her, but it’s definitely worth a try.
She left at 8:43, so if she’s not back in an hour, that’s when it’s time to panic. Keep reading for a mom who is too tired for your shenanigans.
Gotta Get That Vitamin A
I don’t know what kind of school this mom thinks her kid goes to, but nobody in their right mind would take that trade.
What kid is going to give up a precious Twinkie for a small handful of baby carrots? The note should say, “eat these and also don’t steal a Twinkie.”
I Think She Means Business
Modern moms know that kids will do anything for internet access. If you hold the wifi password, you hold the key to unlock their productivity.
The Liam Neeson quote adds a little extra oomph. This is an A+ note. Bravo, mom. This is how you put 100% effort into parenting.
Let Sleeping Babies Lie
Every person with a new baby should take a cue from this mom and post threatening notes on their front door.
Sometimes you just need a piece of paper and a few colored markers to really drive the message home. Read on for a mom who is just looking out for her daughter’s best interest.
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