At the end of the film when Miss Rhode Island is crowned Gracie tries to take the crown from her. Miss Rhode Island beats her with her bouquet of roses. All of the blossoms are knocked off of the stems. A few seconds later when Gracie is fighting Miss Texas the blossoms are back on the roses that Cheryl, Miss Rhode Island is holding. (01:35:00)
A quick mistake happens when Brenda and the girl crawling out of the TV get in a fight. Brenda throws the punch, the other girl falls over, and for a quick second her dress flies up too far and you can see where the makeup (that makes her look dead) on her legs end and you can see her real thigh. (00:25:15)
During the fight scene with Sandman in the armored car, the Terminal Tower can be seen in the background, which is a landmark in Cleveland, Ohio (where the scene was shot), not in New York City.
After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it’s fine. Later, when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the hotel, the car is wrecked again. (00:39:50)
The tyres on the crotch rocket motorcycles they were riding kept changing from knobbly tyres to road slicks, back and forth depending on what terrain they were on. Easiest to see when Ethan skids on the road to avoid the white van – clear shot of slick tyres – then about 30 seconds later they’re on the dirt, he skids into the old car and you can easily see that he’s got off-road tyres front and back.