
Door Opens Before Man Swipes Card

When Bond is in the car following the goons heading into the facility, it shows the techie guy scan a card and then swipe it to open a door. Before he swipes it, the door is already opening. (01:13:15)

Ssiscool Report


Guns Disappear During Bullet Time

On the skyscraper, when Neo and Trinity kill all of the soldiers, Agent Brown comes to the roof. Neo immediately draws his guns and fires until both of his clips are empty. After that, Neo drops his guns, just as Agent Brown aims at him. During Bullet-Time there are no guns on the floor. When he hits the ground, then the guns are left and right of his legs. (01:41:50)

uknown Report



Ship Design Changes While At Sea

The design of the ship’s bow changes significantly while at sea. The white form on top of the bow used for mooring first does, then doesn’t have an indentation on top, possibly with a bolt in the center. The point where the curved railing meets the straight side railings either is or is not connected by a top horizontal bar, and the gap between the vertical posts changes size. Another mistake on this site mentions the anchor design change, but also the metal walkway is made of tubular metal bars -or- flat bars that are more numerous and closer together. (00:30:15 – 01:21:00)

johnrosa Report


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