
Page Flips Itself To Show Different Photo

When the dry cleaning arrives and Holly lays it out on the table, right behind her is the large flip-over wall hanging, with a picture of balloons. When she pulls the leather jacket out of the plastic, the wall hanging is flipped open to a picture of a bird. (00:53:10)

Super Grover Report


Puts Wand To His Left, Removes From His Right

After Wormtail performs the Avada Kedavra curse and then raises the “bone of the father,” he places Voldemort’s wand inside the left side of his coat, before he slices off his right hand. When Voldemort says, “My wand Wormtail,” Wormtail retrieves the wand from the right side of his coat. (01:56:00 – 01:57:40)

Super Grover Report


Roof Becomes Solid – Glass Panels Vanish

The Saturn that Mikaela is driving has a moonroof that encompasses most of the roof, over the front and back seats. When the Decepticon Grindor captures them, in the interior shot looking up at Leo as Grindor seizes the Saturn, the car has a solid roof over Leo, which is also seen in the interior shot as they fall. (00:54:05 – 00:55:05)

Super Grover Report

See Also on Bored Panda

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