“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

Front doors slide open, and in walk five young guys in jackets and jeans. One of them comes up and says “Is the Tower still open?”.

I say “Yes, but we’re closing in about 20 minutes, and SkyPod is closed”.

He says, “We just want to go up and jump on that glass floor!”.

Ok, sure, no fuss. I sell them five tickets, radio the Hosting Lead to tell them there’s incoming, and go back to the effects of deflation on the Weimar Republic.

About five minutes later, my radio crackles and security says “Code 99, code 99 (everyone listen up), please be advised ’N Sync is in the house!”.

Whups. Apparently I should have paid more attention who I was selling tickets to.

In my defense, I didn’t expect the what was pretty much the biggest selling group at the time to wander in at close to 11 on a Wednesday night. And I’m not sure I would have recognized them if I had been expecting them; they looked like five college guys.

Still. I got razzed for about 6 months for being clueless – although I can say that they were tremendously polite, apparently treated everyone well, and when they came down they all stopped to say thanks and good night. Way politer than many celebs I’ve had interactions with!

Sarah Lockwood Report


Around five years ago, my wife and I were living in Hawaii. Our town had its share of celebrity visitors, not just because of the beautiful beaches, but because they could escape into normalcy and go relatively unnoticed….with the exception of President Obama.

It was a daily occurrence for my wife and I to walk to our local Whole Foods. This Whole Foods is different; it’s absent of pretentiousness and the parking lot is far from aggressive. It has a community feel where we gathered with friends almost nightly for dinner and beers. Small-talk with strangers is welcomed.

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