“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

My first move every time I entered the store was to go directly to the lilikois (passion fruit). The sweet slimy crack inside was highly addictive; I was always chasing that first hit. I’d buy a couple pounds a week, and I was always scoping the latest crop.

One time I arrived at the new batch, and I was met by a girl in a baseball cap approximately my age inquisitively eyeing the tiny fruit she held in her hand. I stood directly next to her and rapidly loaded my basket with the week’s fix. I sensed her uncertainty as to which fruit to choose, so I offered up my months of lilikoi expertise. “The bigger the better, you can’t go wrong.” She looked up, smiled, and at that point I saw that she was strikingly attractive. There was a seemingly long pause, and then she replied, “Oh, they don’t have to be wrinkly” (yes, this was the actual conversation).

Reflecting back, I feel like she paused because she was unsure if I was approaching her because she’s a celebrity, or that it was in fact just making small talk with a complete stranger.

The whole time my wife stood off to the side but eventually locked eyes with the attractive shopper. As awkwardly as imaginable, my wife muttered, “Lilikois are awesome”, and then we slowly departed the interaction.

When it was just the two of us, out of sight from the girl, I asked my wife why she was acting so weird. She couldn’t believe I had been unknowingly talking to Rachel McAdams who was on the island filming the movie “Aloha”.

Months later, at a pizza place in the same plaza, I unknowingly sat next to Alanis Morrissette. Once again, my wife realized the celebrity sighting, and I quickly confirmed it by googling a picture of her arm tattoo. We never spoke, she was enjoying a family member’s birthday.

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