“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

Luke Wolf Report


Well, I didn’t actually “meet” the guy, but I rode in an elevator together with Barack Obama without realizing who he was… 😛

Back in 2007, my husband (who was my fiancé at the time) & I were b-school students at The University of Chicago. We lived in the Regents Park apartments, where many of the grad students lived.

One day we decided to head out and got into the elevator to travel down to the lobby. The elevator stopped at another floor, and a tall black man dressed in a nice suit stepped in flanked by 2 other large black men also dressed in nice suits. The tall man looked at me & my fiancé, nodded his head in greeting, and then the 3 men turned around to face the elevator door.

All the while as the 5 of us rode down together, I was chatting animatedly at my fiancé about I-can’t-remember-what, and I kept up my chatterbox flow the entire way down.

When we followed the 3 men out of the apartment building, a large, black Escalade SUV sat waiting curbside and the 3 men climbed into the car. I went bug-eyed as I stared at the huge vehicle and turned to look at my fiancé.

“That was Obama,” he said to me calmly.

“Wait, what?!?!!” I shrieked. “You mean to tell me that we just rode the elevator together with Obama, and I didn’t even realize who he was the entire time?!”

“Yep!” he smirked at me.

Well, now. Don’t I feel like an idiot…! 🙂 At any rate, I can now tell you what the back of President Obama’s head (and his ears) looks like up close! Lol!!!

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