“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

Kathy Wen Report


There was filipina actor known for her teen romance films, she was eating pizza with her younger brothers and people were just taking a picture of her then leaving.

I thought the pizza must be pretty good for them to take pictures.

anon Report

At SDCC in the mid-aughts, I mistook Lou Ferrigno for one of the vendors at Mile High Comics’ booth in the exhibit hall… He shot me a death stare when I asked him how much a comic cost. I was a freshman in high school at the time, I think.

purplecoati Report

Idk if this counts but my family has known Frankie Edgar the UFC fighter since he was born lol

Side note Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank was on my flight from Ft Lauderdale to Newark a couple days ago.

fourty7oz Report


I photobombed Ninja Brian of the Game Grumps once, not knowing it was him until it came back around on Twitter.

NintendoCapri5un Report

Not me but somebody I know once spent an evening in a pub watching football and chatting with this guy. When the guy left he bought them a bottle of champagne. The barman came over handed them the bottle and said this is from Sean Bean. They didnt realise it was him the whole night, but said he was really down to earth.

Boswellox91 Report

I met Billy Idol’s drummer. We spent some time together. It was a crazy night.

anon Report

Ron Jaworski came into my work and bought his wife a purse. I had no idea who he was until my co-worker told me after he left.

basicbitchslapshot Report


Twice: Richard Marx came to visit me in the hospital when I was 6. (I dont even remember this)

I met a center for the Tampa Bay Lightning and we talked hockey for several minutes, then he excused himself, came back with a bunch of hats, and introduced himself to my team. I felt really dumb.

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