“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

So when he came back, with this knowledge, I still tried to be courteous to him and it seemed to be to a benefit because he later invited both of us to a screening of his new movie in downtown SF. My co-worker couldn’t make it so I took my boyfriend at the time to the theater.

Well, as we walked up, security intensely walked over to us and said “excuse me, what are you here for?” and before I could finish, I heard someone go “MOOOONIIIIIIQUUUEEE!”

It was Gerard Butler. He came running up to me at full speed, picked me up and twirled me around with a full hug. The look of defeat on my boyfriends face is a look I will never forget.

Anyway, he was happy to see me and lead us into the theater where he announced his new film “Machine Gun Preacher.”

He was a very friendly guy and this is one of my favorite stories. I hope you are doing well today, Geri!

Monique Fuentes Report


Man in a blue suit standing indoors, unaware he's meeting a famous person. My brother once was in a restaurant, making small talk with a guy sitting at the bar. Toward the end of their conversation the bartender comes up to the guy and politely asks if he could get an autograph. My brother says, “What, you think you’re famous or something?”

The dude laughs and says yeah and leaves. He found out from the bartender it was David Byrne of the Talking Heads.

riemannzetajones , Rolling Stone Report

Person in a black outfit with a slight smile, sitting in a dimly lit studio setting. I moved from Canada to London in 2004 and worked for a while in one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant. One night, David Beckham came in and he entered through the kitchen not to cause havoc… knowing nothing about soccer, I had no idea who he was. I only learned later who he was when my flatmates couldn’t believe I didn’t know of him.

the__myth , Jimmy Kimmel Live Report

Man in a suit holding a pool cue, standing in a billiard room setting. I colleague took me to lunch at a private club in Hong Kong in early 1995. As he was settling the bill I started walking out the door to his car. A friendly-looking guy walked past me, smiled and asked me how I was. I smiled and said “Fine, and you?” He said “Good, thanks” and walked into the club. My colleague, having watched the exchange, rushed up and excitedly asked what was said. I told him and he smiled and told me that it was Jackie Chan. I had seen a couple of his movies, but he wasn’t the international star that he is today. Still, I thought he was friendly and polite.

obidie , New Line Cinema Report



A person in a suit sitting at a table in a library setting, gesturing with their hands. Not me but my dad – before Bruce Willis was famous, he used to bartend in Wildwood, NJ. My parents went to the bar where he worked all the time and said he was super nice.

basicbitchslapshot , Hollywood pictures Report

A person in a patterned shirt sits on a talk show set, gesturing with one hand. Pizza place called Mellow Mushroom in Herndon, VA. Out with my girlfriend and i see some guy in sweats and a weekend beard walk by with his kid. I had been watching Agents of SHIELD at the time and said,”haha, that guy looks just like Patton Oswalt.” 15 minutes later my girlfriend is staring over my shoulder at a crowd formed around this guys table. Turns out it was Patton Oswalt. I didn’t know he lived in the area.

chris_4 , Jimmy Kimmel Live Report

Man with a beard speaking into a microphone, unaware of a famous person's identity. When I was younger, my dad got tickets to a movie premiere and decided to take my 12-year-old brother and I (11 years old). After the movie (which was pretty bad), we were exiting into the lobby and my brother missed a step and essentially fell down 5 steps into an older man who made a nice, loud yelp. Charlton Heston turned around and helped my brother up asking if he was ok or something. I didn’t actually know who he was then so it didn’t mean much to me. I just thought it was funny my brother fell down a bunch of steps.

Halfwayhome22 , Universal Pictures Report


Two people standing in a dimly lit room; one with a shaved head, the other in a suit, conveying a serious atmosphere. 2004 or so, waiting in line at LAX, taking forever. Got bored, checked out the tiny bald chick in front of me. Poor girl, is it cancer maybe? She looked underweight. So I imagined what she’d look like with hair… and it hit me: Natalie Portman.

00zxcvbnmnbvcxz , Warner Bros Report

Football players from Chargers and Cardinals in action during a game, focusing on a defensive tackle. Went to pick up season tickets for work for the Arizona Cardinals, at the office at the training facility. Met 3 huge dudes in the parking lot, all getting into black SUVs. They stopped me, and asked who my favorite Cardinal was. I, being the awkward genius that I am, just stuttered and said “idk I’m an Eagles fan, these are not for me”. Got in the car and went OH F**K ME THEY WERE PLAYERS. Still haunts me to this day around 5 years later.

sweetnwild , FF Swami Report

A person with long hair and a serious expression, wearing a black top in a dimly lit room. I was working at Gap in London in the late 90’s. A gorgeous brunette came in and had a browse. She looked very familiar to me, but I wasn’t sure exactly who she was. She eventually chose a few thing and came up to the counter to pay. The name on her credit card was Angelina Jolie. She was so friendly, nice and stunning close up!

Bejasaka , Universal Studios Report


Musician performing on stage with a bass guitar, blue spotlight in background, person drumming behind. I was at a training a few years ago and sat in a small session with a guy that seemed familiar. I thought maybe we had just been to trainings together before. We reached the door at the same time and were chatting when I happened to glance at his name tag and realize…my husband had just bought this guy’s latest album. It was Todd Pipes, who was the lead singer for Deep Blue Something (“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”).

mamacrocker , Geoff_Rocks Report

Person in a pink outfit and white hat entertaining a crowd at a casual indoor setting, related to famous encounters. When I was in Australia, I met/had a photo taken with Margot Robbie (from Wolf of Wall Street). She used to be in an Australian soap opera called Neighbours. I had no idea who she was at the time, just wanted a photo with her because she was gorgeous. Four years later I saw the film and still didn’t realise. It was only when I saw her on the front cover of a magazine with the title ‘formerly from Neighbours’ did it click.

Soundguy5566 , Warner Bros Report


An astronaut smiling inside a spacecraft, wearing a space suit and helmet with communication gear. I already posted here once but this one was kinda cool of my dad though. I was technically there, just sorta, uh, in development. Anyway my dad was at an alumni event with the family at his old frat. Purdue university’s phi delta theta. (Some of you already know where this is going). He was talking to a buddy of his while my mom was with my older sister, talking to another wife. Eventually my dad turns around, and thinks for a second and he realizes that isnt just any old wife, thats Mrs. Armstrong, Neil Armstrong’s wife. Taken aback for a moment, until Neil Armstrong himself walks up and starts speaking with my mother too. My dad instantly comes up and asks for some pictures with them all. Thats pretty cool to me.

Azurealy , Kevin Gill Report

My wife and I were doing henna body art at a sci fi convention in Minneapoils. I noticed a fellow standing off to the side all by himself. I went to get something to eat and on the way back I said hello and mentioned how excited I was about the Fellowship of the Rings movie that was coming out soon, he was standing next to the poster. Then this oddly dressed man started to talk and talk and talk. Then he sort of followed me back to our table and just sort of hung out. Honestly it sort of made me a tad uncomfortable because we also had our two young kids with us. A bit later I had to go to the bathroom and started to follow me. “Oh great the weird guy is following me to the bathroom”. Thankfully he didn’t follow me in but stopped in mid sentence of what he was saying only to resume it when I came back out. Well to make the long story short he sort of “stalked”e the entire weekend. I have to say he was a nice and very intelligent man, this was also the around the time that Douglas Adams died, and apparently this fellow knew him and told some stories about Douglas. I spent the weekend trying to keep him away from the kids and besides he was sort of keeping people away from my booth. The weekend got done and afterbi said farewell to my strange new friend some of the other vendors and attendees came up to me to ask what it was like hanging out “with HIM”? I replied nice guy, kind of strange. And asked who was that anyway. From the looks from those standing there I must have asked the most stupid question of all time. A guy said “dude that was Gary Gygax, he created Dungeons and Dragons”

Jed Hansen Report


Yup. I spent about 20 minutes talking to Sean Penn when he was filming a movie in my home town. He was hanging out, waiting for his part to be filmed and was in the alley across the street. I only found out who he was when I saw the movie.

VoiceOfLunacy Report


Children play with a life-sized dinosaur in a colorful room setting. I met the actor who was Barney (the guy in the dinosaur suit). He was sitting at the bar giving away pictures to everyone. Of course I had no idea who it was, because costume and all.

Llama_Loogie , justimaginebarney Report

When I was a kid I met Bobby Orr at a hockey game. He was talking to my mom and I ran right past him yelling “where is he?!” all excited.

He thought it was pretty funny and joked about his age making it hard for people to recognize him. He took a moment to sign a few things for us, and continued talking to mom for a while while I ran off to do super important kid stuff.

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