“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”
Friend of mine (for 50 years since we were 11) is very successful in his field but a bit otherworldly shall we say – he is a scientist and engineer, spends most of his time out of the UK in strange places and is not really aware of modern culture. Anyway, he gets invited to a big dinner event and thinks ‘what the hell I’ll go’. So he walks in, sits at his seat between a couple of guys and starts talking to the guy on his right. He is aware that the guy on his left is getting a lot of attention but is having a good time. When everyone settles down as the food arrives he thinks he had better be polite, so he turns to the black guy on his left and says Hi I’m Paul114ks-mate, and guy gives him a big smile and says ‘Hi I’m Will Smith’, and my mate says oh hi, what do you do??.
He had no idea.
I was ran sound at a venue in Portland OR, Mississippi Studios, for many years. I’m pretty used to meeting famous musicians in this business (sigh) but this night was different… I was helping a band setup their soundcheck. I thought they were great, really terrific music and the players were friendly. The band was Blake Mills. He is a faily well known guitarist & Producer. He is relatively “famous” but for me this was just another night. Late into their soundcheck I was asked by their tech to set up a mic for Fiona. I was probably “busy” staring at Instagram or Facebook, I looked up and said “sure.” I set up a mic for their vocalist. I kinda said “hello, here you go, ok.” Later after soundcheck I was having a convo with their tech about artists we have both worked with… he mentioned that Fiona is probably the most famous person he has ever worked with. I was like… wait.. “that person I just set up a mic for?” And he said “yeah… that’s was Fiona Apple!” I laughed so hard. I had just set up a mic for my favorite artist! I quickly messaged my girlfriend and the owner of the club and told them that Fiona Apple was about to do a surprise “sit-in” with Blake Mills and you should probably get down here.
That night was magical. Blake’s music was amazing. In the middle of the set he announced to the audience that they have a special guest vocalist.. Fiona walks on and people poop their pants. There was only about 100 people there (the venue holds 300+). She and Blake did 3 songs together. It was amazing. I ended up meeting her properly later in the evening as we watched the rest of the set together from the sound board. Nice lady. Anyways that’s the simple story about how I accidentally met Fiona Apple.