“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"


“Enjoy the con!”

“Thanks, you too.”

The doors shut and I stand there awkwardly for a moment as the elevator keeps going up. I break the silence.

“Is it bad that I don’t recognize you?”

“I’ve just been drawing for a few years…”

He didn’t tell me his name. I felt awful. I tried to describe him to friends and google him and had absolutely no luck.

Older man. Bigger nose. White guy with kind of a ruddy complexion. White hair back in a pony tail. I think he had glasses but I may be mistaken. This was San Diego Comic-Con 2017.

angel_kink Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I was front desk manager at a hotel years back, and I came to the desk while a guest was getting checked in. When we locked eyes I immediately felt a recognition, but it didn’t register how I knew this person, just that I knew them, so I said “Oh hey! How’s it going?” Super happy and all friendly, like we were friends. This guest looked at me kinda confused, said “Hey, goood?” and I just kept walking. Immediately after, I was trying my hardest to remember who this person was and how I knew them.

At the time I was on a 30 Rock binge for the second or third time in a year and turns out it was Michael Sheen. I didn’t realize it was him until I looked up his reservation, but I legit was thinking in my brain at the time “Oh look, here’s my friend. Suuuuup” He spent the rest of his two week stay looking at me funny. I was hoping he’d come talk to me so I could save a bit of face, but clearly he felt it was best to keep his distance.

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