“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”
I was in a mostly empty hotel bar with the band Drowning Pool during Ozzfest 2001.
I’ve met Michelle Kwan while working at an ice skating show once. It was before the event started and she came up to me asked where the changing room was and I pointed it out to her not knowing who she was. It was only after my aunt came up to me and said I just talked to Michelle Kwan. Probably should have showed more courtesy…
I worked for Disney for about 6 years and back in 2010 I was working the Grad Nights which is when local Florida high schools take over the parks. Anyway my job that night was to escort some special guests through the park so they weren’t bothered by the kids. Now I’m from Virginia so I really only knew country and old rock music at this point in my life so I had no idea who this girl I was walking around the park with. Turns out she was Hayley Williams and was one of the nicest celebrities I had the privilege of meeting while at Disney.
I used to be an usher at a theatre, the upside is we often could get comps to shows. I was in theatre school at the time and there was a play by the New York experimental company the Wooster group, so I got my then-girlfriend, who was also in theatre school, a ticket. I also do a podcast where we rewatch old movies from the 80’s and 90’s, so I’m sort of immersed in actors and pop-culture.
Anyway, after the show I was on duty, but chatting to my girlfriend when this dude comes up, he says he’d like to know how he can speak to one of the company members, Elizabeth. Thinking this was just an audience member wanting to rub elbows with fancy New York actors, I told him he couldn’t really do that. I really just wanted to get back to talking to my girlfriend. But this guy persisted, and eventually it comes out that he knows this woman, who is the director of the company, and went to theatre school with this person. Obviously he won my sympathies with the theatre school thing, and also he could have been somebody nominally important in the experimental scene, who knows. So I told him I could try to get his name to the person to ask if they have can see him, so what is his name?