“Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!”

"Unforgettable Moments: The Jaw-Dropping Celebrity Encounters That Left Fans Speechless!"

“Bill. Bill Paxton”.

And I get a flash of recognition so strong it nearly knocks me on my a*s. I later figured out he was in town promoting the re-release of Titanic, then like the biggest movie of all time. Of course I wanted to say something about how much I appreciated his work, because I do, but this was around the time that the Bill Paxton/Bill Pullman which is which joke was happening, and honestly in the moment could only think of movies that Bill Pullman was in, so I just said, “Right, of course” with a little snap- gun-finger motion, and then very sheepishly found a supervisor to go backstage and find his friend.

I can’t believe I forgot about Aliens! Game over man!

Also RIP Bill.

tangnapalm Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I was working front desk at the power house gym in STL and a couple of really tall and big guys walk in, they weren’t members so they asked me what was de fee. They paid and walked in.

3 seconds later my coworker comes running and asks me. Do you know who they are? Me: no…

it was Great Khali and another wrestler. They were in town for a WWE show…

When they were leaving I took a pic with them

Karla Guerrero Report

Not me, but my friend Chuck (though I was there).

The week after we finished some Army training in Texas, and both heading to the east coast, we decided to stop off in my hometown for some stress relief—my hometown has a legendary party scene associated with a major university campus.

As we were walking out of the bar toward our car, two young men, one of whom was considerably taller than my 6’6”, were getting into the vehicle next to ours. I recognized him as an accomplished athlete who I had seen around the quad when I attended the school and whose abilities I had admired (having played the same position in high school). I was also aware of rumours that he was giving up his final year of eligibility to enter the draft.

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