“Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations”

"Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations"

We are very different people and don’t get along for long spans of time, but that was the nicest thing she ever said about me.

Ariandrin Report

“I want my daughter to grow up and be like you.”

I was living/teaching Emirates in the UAE. My class, all men. So for a man in a patriarchal society to say that to an independent, unmarried, educated, western woman was a wow moment. I felt like I contributed to women around the world being seen, respected, and valued. 😊.

saranghaemagpie Report


You really brought me back from the dark. You are my savior.

Spider_rj Report

I was recently told, “You’ve taught me what it means to love myself again, even when I couldn’t find the strength to do it on my own.”

Despite times when I was unsure of my own worth, I somehow helped them find theirs. It hit me harder than I expected.

Lanternlilith Report

I used to live with a family where one of the kids was autistic. We’ll call her Gigi.

Gigi had limited vocabulary and was truly a special need child. She wouldn’t respond if people spoke to her and just seemed lost in her own little world.

The reason why I lived with the family is because for some reason Gigi acknowledged me and it was a rare thing for her to do. The mother asked me if I would be open to living with them to help with Gigi and I accepted because I knew how difficult it was for anyone to be accepted into Gigi’s world. Perhaps it was because I was in my early twenties and she was only ten and probably entering puberty. I think she found something in me that she could relate to in her limited capacity.

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