“Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations”

"Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations"

Anyway, I lived with this family for a few months but eventually they found a nice house and decided to move. I wasn’t able to go with them due to the location of the house so found new living arrangement.

The day before the move, I sat Gigi down to say goodbye bc she had become very attached to me. I told her in the simplest way I could by saying, “Gigi go. Couch potato stay”. She kept insisting, “Gigi go. Couch potato go” but I had to remain adamant so she understood that I could not go with her.

Finally, after a few minutes of going back and forth, she finally realized I really wasn’t going to live with her family anymore and said, “Gigi cry. Gigi cry.” She then wandered off to watch a Disney movie.

It tore me up and was one of the most touching things I ever experienced.

CouchPotatoNYC Report


“What would I do without you?”

It was a classmate who I was helping get through all her classes at school, and one day after I finished correcting her paper for a really important assignment, she looked me straight in the eyes and said it. It really touched me because nobody liked me at that school, and I had no friends at all, so it was very special to me.

Desperate_Voice_7974 Report

I was going through a rough time in my life. I was talking to my brother about how I felt so worthless and unable to “keep up.” He said to me *exactly* what I needed to hear at that time: Be Kind to Yourself.

Suspicious-Courage53 Report

I was talking with a friend and she asked me if I wanted to have kids someday. I said maybe, and she said, “well, I think you should, so that there can be more people that are like you in the world.”

I was very touched.

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