“Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations”
I’m so humbled by him, and proud of him.
My father in law has had 5 surgeries in the last 2 years and it has been a long recovery and because of that I have been doing my best to help out by doing their yard work, loading up his wheel chair, etc. just stuff you do for family.
Well just one day out of the blue my mother in law texted me and just said “You’re our hero.” and that has stuck with me.
“I’m not letting you do this alone. I’m coming with you.” – My girlfriend and soon to be fiancé when I had to put down my elderly cat three days before Christmas.
We went to the vet and she watched me bawl, we both cried our eyes out, and even still after that she let me grieve at home for an hour. She brought me a coffee, and everything to make sugar cookies from the store. She came back and she said she couldn’t fix it, but she didn’t want me to be alone.
So we played Christmas music, made terribly ugly cookies, and we weren’t okay; but we were together.
That’s when I saw what real, unconditional love looked like.
There were two that stuck with me quite deeply, and I think of this when I have moments of self doubt:
1. I loved drawing ever since I was young and I have always wanted to share my stories through drawing/comics. It’s been a hobby mostly, but over the past couple of years I started again as a means of journaling/reflecting. Some people at work have seen my drawings, and one of my seniors said ‘One day people will know you for your drawings,’ and that gave me hope that people do like them.