“Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations”

"Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations"

EL_CHUNKACABRA , awar kurdish/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

Woman overcome with emotion, hands covering face, reacting to touching words. One night while in the newborn trenches with my son, I was struggling and crying. Just really emotional. I can’t remember exactly what I said, something about feeling ugly, and my husband who I had been with 10 years at that point told me “I have never been more attracted to you, watching you be a mom to our son is beautiful, you are beautiful “ and it plays in my head still on hard days.

ReefahWithKieffah , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

Person on a sofa under a blanket, appearing emotional, embodying touching moments shared by others. Someone once told me “No one else is going to live your life for you, make the choices that YOU want because only YOU are going to live with those choices.” That is now a core value in my life. It resonates so deeply I can’t explain how much those simple words touched me.

Just1_Doom_2Scrollin , Blake Cheek/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


Person with curly hair and dramatic makeup, expressing a thoughtful emotion. This is stupid, but I stopped relaxing my hair like 17 years ago, at a time when you’d catch grief from all sides for doing so. Everyone is telling you that you’re only pretty/acceptable/presentable when your hair has been chemically straightened, and your job is telling you that your natural hair is “unprofessional” (I was enlisted). One day I was rocking a straight lion’s mane at this gas station in some small-town pocket of Arkansas, the kind where I could have been the only black woman within an hour of any direction. This burly, tatted up Hell’s Angel’s looking biker dude walked past me and very genuinely said, ‘damn sister, I like your hair!’ and I really appreciated it. Didn’t expect it coming from him, is all, especially since it was coming from nowhere else.

Bubblystrings , Levi Meir Clancy/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


A smiling man in a blue hoodie, representing a touching moment shared by people. I was out with my kids at a restaurant on some daddy day care vibe.
Wife needed a break.
Kids were 1 and 3
We were just having fun like we normally do
Im running around feeding my daughter and son is helping.
Older lady comes up to the table and says “She needed a break huh”
I laughed and said yes
She put her hand on my shoulder and said “thank you “
I said for what
She said for reminding her what happiness looks like
That f****d me up.

tomjohn29 , Yunus Tuğ/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

Modern art gallery with abstract painting and sculptural bench, highlighting touching design. I worked the front desk at a yoga studio/spa for a while. I loved it; interacting with all of the people that would come in gave me life. I didn’t realize how extroverted I actually was until I started working there. I got to know all the regulars, remembering everyone’s name and trying to make them all feel warm, welcome, and special. One day, one of the older regulars came in and handed me an envelope. He had typed me a letter that brought me to absolute tears, talking about how big my light was and how truly transformative my weekly welcome to him had been, as a person who had rarely felt welcome anywhere his whole life. At the time, I was struggling with a lot of my own darkness and the fact that I had any ounce of light was genuinely news to me. My heart needed that.

That_Cat7243 , Roberto Nickson/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


Man sitting on a couch, deep in thought, with his hands on his head, reflecting on something touching he heard. When I was a teenager, I was sent to military school. I’d always been a bit rough around the edges—kind of a troublemaker—but never a bad person at heart. I never finished high school because of some family issues, and later in life, I found out I had bipolar disorder type 2 and ADHD. I didn’t even realize it at the time, but my dad told me that my younger sister had been diagnosed with the same conditions, and he thought I should get evaluated too. He said she reminded him so much of me, and he wanted me to know because, being the old-school guy he is, he never really talked about emotions or apologized much.

Then he told me:
“Hey man, I’m sorry.
I didn’t know.
I thought you needed discipline.
You just needed my help.”

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