“Unforgettable Words: Discover the Heartwarming Secrets Behind 57 Life-Changing Conversations”
Kid has went from not wanting to play ball or leave the house, to being one of the hottest prospects in the area in the space of 3 months.
For some reason it brought a tear to my eye. And another one while typing this.
“It’s a pleasure to teach you. Doesn’t require any work. Just drop some hints and you will get to the concept yourself.”
From my Undergrad Maths professor. I was never a topper or even considered a good student.
It was a small thing:
I gave the lunch I had brought with me one winter weekday to a destitute man huddled near the locked front doors of a church. (I’d gone there to practice for a forthcoming organ recital.)
He simply said, “Thank you – I haven’t had any food for about 3 days.”
It seemed as though he was as starved for someone – anyone – to care about him as for the food itself.
“I didn’t know I was built to make someone happy until I met you” – my husband shortly before he proposed.
It wasn’t said to me, and it has a bit of silly fandom about it, but the root of it was very sweet and I think about it often.
My sister and I joke about our Hogwarts houses. I like to think I’m a Gryffindor, and my sister once said to my mom that she thinks it’s a good fit because to wake up every day and deal with what I deal with (mental health issues, chronic pain and disability), you have to be brave.